What is the Retzifus Program?
The Retzifus program is a unique opportunity for yungerlite to upgrade their sedarim with retzifus-consecutive learning. In yeshivos it is well known words of the Chazon Ish that learning while interrupting in middle for idle talk, devalues the learning entirely... he wrote that one must search for strategies to be able to upgrade his level of hasmada.
That is the idea of the retzifus program, to create a structured program that locks in a big part of the morning Seder by learning totally uninterrupted. Aside from increasing the quantity of the learning more-so it brings the quality of the learning to new levels.
The program offers: an hours and half, 2 hour, and 2 and half hour options of learning b'retzifus with a nice stipend at the end for the month.
Although the program is still fresh, the overwhelming positive feedback is what caused such rapid growth in just a years time; it went from 4 members to almost 30 members to date, with a long waiting list of many others eager to join this initiative.
As expressed by countless retzifus members, Retzifus is not just a nice addition to the seder its a game-changer for the entire day. When you learn a retzifus seder it uplifts you for the entire day!